Joseph Goh, or Coach Joe as many know him from First Tee – Greater Dallas, has been a coach for more than 17 years. He sat on the board of directors for the Greater Dallas chapter until focusing his time as a volunteer coach, where he made it his goal to recruit other volunteers.
Originally from Singapore, Joe started his journey as a coach through First Tee – Singapore and moved to the United States after his technology company was bought out by a company in Dallas. Eventually, he and his wife planted themselves in Texas and started their own family.
“First Tee is more than a golf instruction program; we teach life skills. This program has taught me to become a better coach and father because of it,” he said.
He enrolled his two children in the program and the rest became history.
His two kids participated in First Tee throughout high school. His oldest, Jonathan, attended the University of California, Los Angeles and graduated in 2021 with a major in electrical engineering. He currently works at Amazon Robotics in Boston as a hardware development engineer.

His youngest daughter, Joni, is attending the University of Texas in Austin and will graduate in May 2023 with her degree in architecture engineering. She is currently an intern at The Boring Company and will be working with Southland Holdings as a business development associate.
“I want to emphasize that the First Tee program has built a foundation for its participants, including my own kids,” said Joe.
He makes it his mission to positively impact and equally empower First Tee participants with the skills and opportunities they need to be successful.
“As a volunteer coach at First Tee, I could change the trajectory of a child’s life,” he said. “No other organization gives me the opportunity to impact another’s life and add value to them like First Tee would.”
Joe, like many other First Tee coaches, is just one of many unique stories that make First Tee’s impact so profound. If one person can make a difference, a difference can be made upon a multitude of generations.